Un grupo de amigos apasionados del motociclismo fundamos esta asociación para poder disfrutar en común de nuestro hobby, el mundo de la moto, y hacerlo más accesible al gran público. Nuestro grupo está formado por aficionados a las motos de todas las edades, estilos y monturas, a los que nos une la misma pasión….el mototurismo.
No siempre salimos solos, también nos gusta hacer las salidas acompañados por nuestras parejas con el objetivo de poder disfrutar de nuestras actividades, compartiendo intereses, disfrutando de la cultura y gastronomía que nos brinde la zona a la que nos lleve la carretera.
Todos contamos con numerosas experiencias y gracias al cruce de ellas, nace el Club Mototurismo, en el que ser motero/a es sinónimo de libertad, compañerismo, unión y respeto.
Somos un club en el que nuestra pasión por la moto es sinónimo de libertad, compañerismo, unión y respeto.
El día 1 de Enero de 2017, un grupo de amigos apasionados del motociclismo fundamos esta asociación para poder disfrutar en común de nuestro hobby, el mundo de la moto, y hacerlo más accesible al gran público. Nuestro grupo está formado por aficionados a las motos de todas las edades, estilos y monturas, aunque a todos nos une la misma pasión….el mototurismo.
No siempre salimos solos, también nos gusta hacer las salidas acompañados por nuestras parejas con el objetivo de poder disfrutar de nuestras actividades, compartiendo intereses, disfrutando de la cultura y gastronomía que nos brinde la zona a la que nos lleve la carretera.
Todos contamos con numerosas experiencias y gracias al cruce de ellas, nace el Club Mototurismo, en el que ser motero/a es sinónimo de libertad, compañerismo, unión y respeto.
1ª Motomascletà
These relatively cheap vehicles were marketed for a wide variety of uses, such as business delivery vehicles and leisurely activities, as well as being a prime answer to inner city mass transportation problems. While bicycle companies had been experimenting with motorized versions of their cycles since at least as early as 1894, the first large scale introduction of what was to become the motorcycle was introduced to the American public via bicycle racing after the turn of the twentieth century (Sucher).
2ª Motomascletà
These relatively cheap vehicles were marketed for a wide variety of uses, such as business delivery vehicles and leisurely activities, as well as being a prime answer to inner city mass transportation problems. While bicycle companies had been experimenting with motorized versions of their cycles since at least as early as 1894, the first large scale introduction of what was to become the motorcycle was introduced to the American public via bicycle racing after the turn of the twentieth century (Sucher).
3ª Motomascletà
These relatively cheap vehicles were marketed for a wide variety of uses, such as business delivery vehicles and leisurely activities, as well as being a prime answer to inner city mass transportation problems. While bicycle companies had been experimenting with motorized versions of their cycles since at least as early as 1894, the first large scale introduction of what was to become the motorcycle was introduced to the American public via bicycle racing after the turn of the twentieth century (Sucher).
4ª Motomascletà Virtual Solidaria
These relatively cheap vehicles were marketed for a wide variety of uses, such as business delivery vehicles and leisurely activities, as well as being a prime answer to inner city mass transportation problems. While bicycle companies had been experimenting with motorized versions of their cycles since at least as early as 1894, the first large scale introduction of what was to become the motorcycle was introduced to the American public via bicycle racing after the turn of the twentieth century (Sucher).